Hurghadah International Airport

Year : 2011
In Hurgadah International Airport Project TECO is Proud to be the selected partner for Fire alarm System, Public Address & Airport Announcement System, and Master Clock System TECO introduced together with MIRCOM our Fire Alarm Partner for the first time in Egypt the 3D Graphical User Interface and FACP with Arabic Language to meet the Client requirements with full integration between Fire Alarm System and Sound system For the Sound System and Airport Announcement System, TECO Supplied (Qty. 78) Digital Steerable Arrays from Renkus Heinz to deliver intelligible sound in all airport open areas, also TECO delivered automated Airport announcements system from Sitting in Germany which was smoothly interfaced with TOA SX-2000 Matrix in fully Redundant configuration and the announcement system was also fully integrated with Fire alarm System and FIDS System TECO successfully handed over the project to the consultant and client with no single comments and our success in Hurgadah airport was the main reason to be the preferred partner to EAC in other airports projects | |
Main Contractor: Al Marasem International (Saudi Bin Laden) ELV Contractor: Aviation Information Technology (AVIT) |
TECO Scope of Work :