Bibliotheca Alexandrina Project

Year : 2000
Conceived as a revival of the ancient library in the city founded by Alexander the Great some 2300 years ago and lost to civilization centuries later. Fabulous stories circulated about the lengths to which the Ptolemies would go in their avid hunt for books. One method was to search every ship that sailed into the harbor of Alexandria. If a book was found, it was taken to the library for a decision as to whether to return it or to confiscate it and replace it with a copy made on the spot (with adequate compensation to the owner) The new Alexandria Library is a contemporary design. The design of the new library is both timeless and bold. Its vast circular form alongside the circular Alexandrian harbor recalls the cyclical nature of knowledge, fluid throughout time. It’s glistening, tilting roof recalls the ancient Alexandrian lighthouse and provides the city with a new symbol for learning and culture. TECO is proud to be the selected supplier for the PA Sound and Voice Evacuation System, and Master Clock System For the sound system TECO proposed TEECOM Matrix from TOA as the hurt of the System with over 129 speakers zones, and Network surveillance system which was fully designed and implemented by TECO’s engineers, where at that time – in year 1998 – there was no standard product from sound system manufacturers to check loudspeakers network for malfunction such as short circuit or open circuit or earth leakage, and over 20 years the system is running fully with no single fault or complain from the client | ||
maincontractor: Arab Contractors MEP Consultant: SHAKER Consultancy Group |
TECO Scope of Work :